Magic Furl
The ultimate solution for easy and reliable handling for Asymmetric sails. Setting and furling accomplished simply and safely from the cockpit, giving a reliable furl across the full range of wind speeds and angles. Using custom Crusader hardware with Torlon (TM) bearings, high tech torque rope and the unique twin grab-line system for efficient furling. Magic Furl can be fitted to any size of existing sail or packaged with a new Crusader downwind sail.
The Squeezer, also known as a Snuffer is a widely used, simple and economic handling system for downwind sails symmetric or asymmetric usually operated from the foredeck.
Bowsprit Solutions
Crusader Sails stock Selden aluminium and carbon fibre kits with numerous mounting solutions for boats up to 50 feet LOA.
Built to order custom stainless steel āJā Sprits designed and manufactured in-house with or without bobstay. Comprehensive design and fitting service.
Use Seldens righting moment calculator to calculate bowsprit size.